Thursday, October 11, 2018

IHOP vs. Waffle House at 4 a.m.

We've all been there. Maybe you were pulling an all-nighter cramming for an exam, or maybe you were pulling an extended shift on a cross country road trip. Whatever the case, you inevitably felt that hunger pang hit, like a rock dropped in your stomach. It's time to shovel some eggs and bacon in your gullet — the greasier the better.

But when it comes to that late night (so late that it's early morning) craving, which 24-hour breakfast chain do you rely on? Which one is going to sate that oh-so-good-but-oh-so-bad-for-you itch?

If you're south of the Mason-Dixon line, that usually means Waffle House. If you're looking for more of a restaurant experience, it's IHOP. There's pros and cons to each, but they can both confidently say that they're better than Denny's (I can't stand Denny's).

Here are some categories and who I think is the real winner for fourth-meal adventures.


Waffle House beats outs IHOP when it comes to your wallet. This really only matters when you're trying your best to clean out the kitchen, but let's be honest, you were probably gonna do that anyway, or else you wouldn't be eating breakfast just past the witching hour like a degenerate.
Winner: Waffle House


While Waffle House definitely has the options when it comes to customizing your hash browns, IHOP takes the (pan)cake here. You can get burgers and stuff now, so that's kind of wild. I guess that's just the status quo in Trump's America.
Winner: IHOP


Here's where we get into personal preference, since we haven't done that already on this completely subjective blog post with an arbitrary number of categories. If you prefer diner-style eating establishments but always think to yourself, "this place could really use a sticky floor and a few more half-smoked cigarettes," then Waffle House is your main squeeze. But if you really like Applebee's and think they should venture into breakfast food after they finish finding another way to insult steak, then IHOP wins.
Winner: Push


So let's get one thing clear: you're not sitting in a booth at a breakfast chain at four in the morning because you make sound life decisions. That means you aren't particularly picky when it comes to your food at this time. It's not like you're going to hit the gym in the morning anyway. Instead of making an objective judgment, I'm going to decide based on my gut.
Winner: Waffle House

So there you have it. The next time you find yourself on the verge of total exhaustion at 4 a.m. and salivate at the though of a pancake, hit up your local Waffle House. Or IHOP. I don't care. Just don't go to Denny's.

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